Episode 385
Minimal Flame Wars (Prettier, Parsing and Regex) with Kevin Newton
September 29th, 2021
30 mins 11 secs
About this Episode
Kevin Newton is a staff engineer at Shopify on the Ruby and Rails infrastructure team. He’s working on improving the speed and efficiency of CRuby. The trio (Kevin, Nick and Brittany) discuss RubyKaiji talks, Kevin's work on the Prettier plug-in for Ruby and RegularExpression, the Shopify HackDays project Kevin and Nick worked on.
Show Notes & Links:
- RegularExpression
- Prettier Plugin for Ruby
- Parsing Ruby
- yjit
- Ruby Hacking Guide
- Prettier Printer
- Prettier Print Module in Ruby Core
- An Introduction to Speculative Optimization in V8
- Kevin Newton (@kddnewton) | Twitter
- Kevin Newton on Github
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