Episode 503

Katya Dreyer-Oren on Ethical Software Development


January 17th, 2024

31 mins 42 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

What do we owe to each other? Over the last several years, the tech industry has had a reckoning about ethics within our industry. Katya Dreyer-Oren gave a excellent talk and workshop at RubyConf in San Diego about how to ethically build software. She joined the show to share her thoughts and ideas from her experience as a student of philosophy.

We’re starting something new on the podcast. We’d love to hear from you! If you have comments about this episode, send an email to comments@therubyonrailspodcast.com. You can send text or record a comment using Voice Memos or Google Recorder on your phone and we’ll respond to some of them in a future show. 

Show Notes
Talk from RubyConf 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFCoWsO3HxM&pp=ygURa2F0eWEgZHJleWVyLU9yZW4%3D
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